Hey, I'm Alexandra.
Let's build a better web.



Senior Technical Writer

Google, New York, NY

Google Chrome, Web DevRel

  • Create content for web.dev and developer.chrome.com (average 3 million visitors per month).
  • Lead migration of developer.chrome.com from 11ty static site generator to internal content management system, including: 1,869 migrated files, 205 new YAML files, 4,354 migrated assets, and over 10,000 redirects. Partnered with infrastructure team to ensure very limited gaps in the user experience as the new site landed.
  • Lead creation of a new content set for web developers to learn to work with AI, ML, and LLMs on web.dev.
  • Identify project constraints and audience needs, and then address them, adapting to any changes such as the requirements or constraints.
  • Use comprehensive knowledge of Google-wide technologies, content development tools, and best practices that are applicable to Web DevRel.
  • Perform developmental editing for Learn Accessibility, collaborating with Carie Fisher to establish a top tier course for developers new to accessibility.

Google Chrome, Privacy Sandbox

Google Ad Manager, Help Center content team

  • Lead escalation audits, which aim to decrease requests for assistance by updating documentation and providing actionable feedback for the UI.
  • From 2018-2021, create and maintain Help Center (HC) documentation for Google Ad Manager and Authorized Buyers

Technical Documentation and Education Manager

Joyent, San Francisco, CA Remote

  • Lead the effort to create getting started materials for Triton, including blog posts and screencasts, filling a content gap for a previously unsupported audience.
  • Write and evolve documentation standards, procedures, processes, and best practices to ensure product documentation is clear, correct, and complete.
  • Present technical training and webinars, live and pre-recorded, on cloud computing.
  • Collaborate with engineers who write the initial API, SDK, CLI, and similar documents to review for accuracy and update to match Joyent standards.
  • Create a guide for contributing authors and edit materials before published to joyent.com.

Web Developer

WNET, New York, NY

  • Established a technical blog for WNET’s engineers, which defined our expertise in the PBS and WordPress communities and gave prospective clients insight into our processes.
  • Defined the product roadmap for the design, development, testing, and launch of the Interactive Engagement Group’s rebrand, leveraging user research and data to build insights which doubled external client inquiries.
  • Developed and maintained object-oriented WordPress themes and plugins for internal departments, PBS headquarters, and external clients, such as Bill Moyers.
  • Tested and iterated website prototypes with integrated data analysis, user research, and client feedback to ensure the clients’ objectives were met.

Digital Marketing Manager

JCC Association, New York, NY

  • Analyzed key performance metrics and optimized digital properties, with results compiled in a monthly digital reach report for the executive team and board members.
  • Lead product for JCCA’s extranet including internal and external technical support, content strategy, and communication management with the CMS developers.
  • Developed and managed nine WordPress sites, building custom branded themes and populating content, to best reach JCC Association’s stakeholders.
  • Increased newsletter open rate from 16% to 35% with updated CTAs, content, and design.
  • Trained JCC professionals in web development best practices, marketing, and social media.

Speaking Engagements

View all upcoming and previous engagements


B.A. with Honor, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

Professional Writing (major); Emphasis in Digital/Technical Writing
Theater (minor); Digital Humanities (specialization)

Community Work