Hey, I'm Alexandra.
Let's build a better web.


WNET Education

Project created for WNET

This website was among my first projects at WNET. The education department required a refinement of their design as well as an easy way to make outside products (such as educational resources from PBS) fit in with the rest of their work. Victoria Malabrigo designed the mockups.

I used WordPress to rebuild an existing theme including custom post types, with an assortment of metadata.

One major feature I built is the New York Parenting Minutes video series. Ten videos were launched in four languages, each with quotes to share via email or social media and a list of resources in the respective languages. Instead of publishing each video four times for every language, I created a single post type to manage all four sets of content. A toggle allows users to switch back and forth easily, whether on the homepage or individual video pages.

Skills: Web Development