Hey, I'm Alexandra.
Let's build a better web.


Interactive Engagement Group Portfolio

Project created for WNET

When I began working at WNET, the Interactive Engagement Group (IEG) had a one-page brochureware website. I wrote a proposal and content strategy in order to better serve the needs of IEG and its stakeholders, to gain more direct-service clients and establish us as a highly-skilled, full-service digital agency within a non-profit media company. After review by the chief digital officer, I took on this website as the project manager, developer, and copywriter.

I created wireframes and delivered them to the designer, Victoria Malabrigo, who delivered mockups for each page type.

I built the website using an MVC inspired custom WordPress theme, with several custom post types to meet our needs including portfolio pieces and staff profiles.

The staff profiles feature bios, fun facts, and various pieces of meta data to establish the importance of the “wizards behind the machine.” This gave credibility to our team as experts, as well as gave a sense of community to the department.

The portfolio pieces were built to feature some of the best projects (from a pool of over 150 projects to choose from), descriptions and project meta data, as well as views of those project across desktop, tablet, and mobile.

After I launched this website, I remained the editor for the tech blog which featured tutorials, advice for building high-performance WordPress websites, and general IEG updates. We held weekly editorial meetings, where I encouraged our developers to produce more content, edited those pieces, and contributed pieces of my own. We also created a style guide for the WNET PBS stations in order to better serve the design team for future projects.

Skills: Product Management Web Development


  • Create a cohesive brand strategy for WNET's digital assets.
  • Dramatically increase the number of external clients seeking web or mobile work.
  • Facilitate continued learning for the developer team in IEG, holding code reviews which often led to additional blog content.
  • Establish IEG developers as experts in the PBS developer and WordPress community by producing and editing technical blog posts.