Hey, I'm Alexandra.
Let's build a better web.

Blog posts on Potpourri

September 03, 2015

The American Play Goes to Off-Broadway

The American Play Goes to Off-Broadway

I’m so thrilled to announce that a show I stage-managed for FringeNYC, The American Play, was selected for the Fringe Encore Series. This means, we get to do our show in an Off-Broadway space, a HUGE honor for all of us.

I said goodbye to Michigan State’s theater program five years ago. I quit acting and designing costumes, except for a final tour of a children’s show that allowed me to get my minor. I never thought that when I moved to New York, I’d end up working on shows, let alone one that was so incredible. It has been a taxing but very rewarding experience.

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April 15, 2015

Nerdy Party Trick: Binary Fingers

Nerdy Party Trick: Binary Fingers

This was originally written for and posted on Thirteen.org.

I learned to count binary on my fingers while sipping an egg cream in a New York institution, Yonah Schimmel’s Knish Bakery. A friend of mine was explaining simple hardware setups and said he had a cool trick he used at nerd parties. I practiced over and over on the subway ride back to Brooklyn, until counting became a fluid motion. Now, I can easily count up to 1,023 on my hands (though, I’ve yet to find a concrete reason I’d need to do so).

What are Binary Numbers?

The binary numeral system, otherwise known as the base-2 numeral system, represents numeric values using just two symbols: 0 and 1. It is used by almost all modern computers and in circuitry design. Just because it is the foundation of computing does not mean it wasn’t being used before the 20th century. Binary existed even in the ancient world, having been encountered as far back as the 9th century B.C. in China.

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February 23, 2014

Returning to the Theater

Returning to the Theater

For the past four weeks, I’ve spent most of my spare time working on the production of Hallowed Ground, an exploration of text, produced by The Dirty Blondes. This is the second production I’ve done with The Dirty Blondes, first being a 24 hour festival, Deadline.

Before I discovered Professional Writing or even thought about a career as a web developer, I was sure I would be working in the theater. I acted in plays and musicals through high school and college; I single-handedly costumed Michigan State’s opera for a production of Susannah; I helped stage manage a rather elaborate production of Tommy the Rock Opera. After signing up for two many events and working with a few rather difficult directors, I took a break from the stage. My last production was acting in Reefer Madness in January 2010, and I finally took a breath.

Maybe theater wasn’t where I belonged after all.

Office Life, Hallowed Ground
Rehearsing the choreography for Hallowed Ground

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June 12, 2013

Baking with Whey

About eight months ago, I decided I wanted to fund a kickstarter project. I knew I wanted to fund something to do with either tech or baking to get in on the ground floor of an exciting project. I decided on helping to fund Make Cheese Inc. I chose the mascarpone kit thinking, “I’d love to make cannolis for the holidays!”

It didn’t quite work out like I planned. The kits were delayed repeatedly due to the high volume and then to being held by Canadian customs. I didn’t receive the mascarpone kit until last Friday.

I was so giddy, I could hardly contain myself. What’s a girl to do on a Friday night but make her own cheese, right? That’s totally normal, right?

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March 06, 2012

Random Skills and Fun Facts

1. I make the best Pie-in-a-Jar that you’ll ever have in your life.
There’s a good chance you’ve never had the chance to indulge in a delicious treat quite like pie in a jar. Let me tell you, it’s the best recipe I’ve ever found and the most creative gift I’ve ever given.* It always surprises people, and baffles them as to how I could put a pie IN a jar. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the best pie presentation known to man (and easiest travel companion).

2. I won an award for fastest costume changes in high school.
I participated in competitive theater (be jealous) called MIFA. We competed with 45 minute one-acts, and by senior year I was (one of) the costume head(s). We had several quick changes, often 45 seconds or less. I spent hours upon hours hand sewing velcro onto dresses from the 90’s in order to make every change simple and seamless. At each competition level we were recognize for superb costuming and quick changes. At regionals, we got a perfect score. It was intense.

3. I will always pick craft beer over another alcoholic beverage.
I’ve had some creative drinks in my life, including but not limited to the Bourbon Street Milkshake at the Brooklyn Bowl. When it comes down to it, my heart will always be with beer. I love the smells, the tastes, the elaborate pairings, and the overall experience of drinking a cold beer. Homebrews and local craft breweries have always won my heart. In particular, I am a big fan of Soft Parade by Short’s Brewing Company, Breakfast Stout by Founders, and Opat Chocolat (a Czech beer which I hope to discover again soon).

4. I have one trophy.
I won said trophy in 8th grade at Music in the Parks for my solo. Fun fact, when they were introducing me for the performance, they pronounced my name “AH-lee White,” resembling the way you pronounce “Muhammad Ali.” The entire choir was laughing in the background, and it remained a joke for the remainder of the year.

*Ok, the scrapbook I made with my friend Rachael for our mutual friend Allie in 9th grade was pretty awesome, too. Very elaborate, time consuming, and expensive. This is why, pie in a jar will always win.

October 19, 2011

Bonjour Europe

It’s booked. I’m officially going to Europe (for 25 days) as a graduation present to myself.

Ever since I was little, I’ve dreamed of walking along the Seine, standing in the middle of The Globe, and being fully enveloped into European culture. Granted, I’ve never been to Europe. My vision is a compilation of movies, tv shows, photos, and books. However, I’ve always known that it would somehow make me a happier person. In addition, I’m a complete history geek. Nothing sounds better than being in places where people have traveled for hundreds of years.

Question: How are you financing your trip abroad?

I’ve been working an hourly, non-babysitting position since I was 15 years old. I’ve been relatively responsible with that moneyin order to help pay off my soon-to-come college debt. I made it my goal to graduate with a certain dollar value in the bank to be my cushion if I am without a job for any period of time. With my internship this past summer, I’ve been able to exceed that amount, by almost 150%. In addition, it will be my last time when I’m really not tied down to anything. I’ve decided to take this opportunity to do what I’ve always dreamed of doing.Read More