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October 19, 2011 Potpourri

Bonjour Europe

It’s booked. I’m officially going to Europe (for 25 days) as a graduation present to myself.

Ever since I was little, I’ve dreamed of walking along the Seine, standing in the middle of The Globe, and being fully enveloped into European culture. Granted, I’ve never been to Europe. My vision is a compilation of movies, tv shows, photos, and books. However, I’ve always known that it would somehow make me a happier person. In addition, I’m a complete history geek. Nothing sounds better than being in places where people have traveled for hundreds of years.

Question: How are you financing your trip abroad?

I’ve been working an hourly, non-babysitting position since I was 15 years old. I’ve been relatively responsible with that moneyin order to help pay off my soon-to-come college debt. I made it my goal to graduate with a certain dollar value in the bank to be my cushion if I am without a job for any period of time. With my internship this past summer, I’ve been able to exceed that amount, by almost 150%. In addition, it will be my last time when I’m really not tied down to anything. I’ve decided to take this opportunity to do what I’ve always dreamed of doing.

Question: Who are you going with? Is it just you?

It’s just me and my backpack. I would love to have company, but I can’t wait to go to fit with other schedules. I’m graduating earlier than most of my friends, and therefore will be entering the workforce earlier. In addition, I know most are not in a financial situation where a trip to Europe is plausible. Granted, I’m not really in that situation either, but I’ve been prepared for it. I am going with a budget and a cushion that most are not so lucky to have.

Question: Ok, ok. So you’re going to Europe. What does that mean? Where are you going? What are you doing?

The itinerary is not 100% set in stone. I do know I will be in Paris for 6 days and then in London for 5 days, over New Years. Beyond that, I hope to travel to Vienna and Berlin. I have a place to stay in both Paris and London, so I’ll have to arrange hostels and hotels soon. With school and work and job applications, it’s hard to find the time to make this a priority. However, it will come up sooner than I think, and I should probably work on it.

In 60 days (Yes, 60!), I’ll be off on an adventure I’ve been waiting for my whole life. Nothing feels better.