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December 01, 2022 Speaking

Web Directions Summit 2022

I was very fortunate to continue spreading the documentation gospel at Web Directions Summit 2022 in Sydney, Australia.

This talk has transformed as I’ve given it over the last several years. This edition highlighted the importance of creating accessible content.

In particular, accessible documentation should have:

  • Inclusive language. This starts with self-reflection in the ways in which we’ve internalized ableism, racism, sexism, etc in our everyday life. We cannot do better without recognizing where we fail.
  • Semantic HTML. This means your headers are not just visually larger than body text, but also represented by the correct HTML structure.
  • Meaningful alt and link text. If you’re already writing documentation and you take one best practice away from today, stop using “Click Here”. Replace it with copy that reflects the actual link.

My colleagues ThomasRachel, and Bramus also spoke at this edition.