Hey, I'm Alexandra.
Let's build a better web.

Google, New York, NY

Senior Technical Writer

Visit Google's website

Google Chrome, Web DevRel

  • Create content for web.dev and developer.chrome.com (average 3 million visitors per month).
  • Lead migration of developer.chrome.com from 11ty static site generator to internal content management system, including: 1,869 migrated files, 205 new YAML files, 4,354 migrated assets, and over 10,000 redirects. Partnered with infrastructure team to ensure very limited gaps in the user experience as the new site landed.
  • Lead creation of a new content set for web developers to learn to work with AI, ML, and LLMs on web.dev.
  • Identify project constraints and audience needs, and then address them, adapting to any changes such as the requirements or constraints.
  • Use comprehensive knowledge of Google-wide technologies, content development tools, and best practices that are applicable to Web DevRel.
  • Perform developmental editing for Learn Accessibility, collaborating with Carie Fisher to establish a top tier course for developers new to accessibility.

Google Chrome, Privacy Sandbox

Google Ad Manager, Help Center content team

  • Lead escalation audits, which aim to decrease requests for assistance by updating documentation and providing actionable feedback for the UI.
  • From 2018-2021, create and maintain Help Center (HC) documentation for Google Ad Manager and Authorized Buyers

Title History

Final title: Senior Technical Writer

First title: Technical Writer