Hey, I'm Alexandra.
Let's build a better web.


Hi there! I’m a technical writer at Google, supporting products and features with a global impact.

My role as a technical writer includes producing user-friendly, accessible content. To do this, I work closely with the product managers and engineers who support the product. I work with user experience specialists to understand the end users to create the content they actually need, instead of the content we think they need.

Before I was a technical writer, I was a web engineer, a digital marketer, a social media strategist, and a digital video editor. I’ve worked in tiny startups, small non-profits, and in large corporations. I’ve taught colleagues complex processes (how to use programming frameworks, such as Terraform) and simple processes (how to tweet).

I also speak at conferences about technical writing. Interested in having me speak at an event or in your classroom? Let’s chat.

Alexandra White

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