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June 29, 2011 Potpourri

Shuttle Launch

In eight days, I’ll be heading to Orlando, FL for the last shuttle launch… ever.

Ok, I probably am speaking too soon. Who knows what will happen in ten, fifteen, or a hundred years. Maybe another president will reinvigorate the shuttle program with NASA. For now, however, this shuttle is set to be the last. I get to watch from the Kennedy Space Center as it launches. Incredible. (Read about the launch plans here)

When I was a little girl, there was something called Space Camp. Perhaps you remember those commercials from the 90’s. A trip to Space Camp was always the prize on those Nickelodeon challenge shows, and I dreamed of winning. What kid didn’t want the chance to experience zero gravity?!

Space Camp

A shuttle launch definitely doesn’t afford me those opportunities. However, I do get to be a part of history. I get to watch Space Shuttle Atlantis, who already has over 25 years of history, go to space for the last time. I will be there alongside professors from my department, and we can “geek out” together. It may be the last launch, but hopefully it will allow a friendship to form.

Most importantly, I suppose, I will be tweeting from the event. Follow me on Twitter to get the feed on July 8th. You can look forward to pictures of the space center and of the launch.