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September 03, 2015 Potpourri

The American Play Goes to Off-Broadway

I’m so thrilled to announce that a show I stage-managed for FringeNYC, The American Play, was selected for the Fringe Encore Series. This means, we get to do our show in an Off-Broadway space, a HUGE honor for all of us.

I said goodbye to Michigan State’s theater program five years ago. I quit acting and designing costumes, except for a final tour of a children’s show that allowed me to get my minor. I never thought that when I moved to New York, I’d end up working on shows, let alone one that was so incredible. It has been a taxing but very rewarding experience.


Just some of the amazing press we received, if you’re not already convinced:

The American Play part of the New York International Fringe Festival takes audience expectation wraps it up in beautiful and innovative stage pictures, adds in a twist of horrendous tragedy, and then lands you exactly where you know you’re going but don’t want to be.” –Times Square Chronicles

The American Play is honest and frightening because of how recognizable these college students are, influenced by consumerism, media, and the desire to belong.” –StageBuddy

“It’s very possible to say that The American Play was perfectly cast. The three young actors that comprised this play fit their roles to a t.” –Theater in the Now